The B-17 Tail Gunner That Kept On Fighting

The Fateful Mission

The 96th Bomb Group set out on a sunny evening, November 29, 1943. Part of the formidable Eighth Air Force, they aimed for Bremen, Germany. “Ricky Ticky Tavi,” their B-17F Flying Fortress with tail number 42-30359, plunged into a storm of anti-aircraft fire. A direct flak hit tore its tail off in a fierce explosion. Chaos ensued. Inside, Staff Sergeant Eugene P. fought for his life, trapped in the tumbling tail as the battle continued fiercely around him.

Partial crew of the Rikki Tikki Tavi

Aerial Standoff

In the isolated tail of the B-17, Staff Sergeant Eugene P. was abruptly severed from his crew and aircraft. The booming engines faded into the distance, and a rapid drop in pressure signaled an unwelcome descent. As reality set in, Eugene realized he was utterly alone, the rest of “Ricky Ticky” nowhere in sight.

In a frantic bid for survival, Eugene reached for his parachute, riddled with bullet holes, hoping for an escape. He pushed against the escape door, but it was jammed shut, refusing to yield. Turning to the fuselage side as a last resort, he found it grotesquely twisted, jagged metal obstructing any exit. Despite his desperate efforts, there was simply no way out; he was trapped in a metal coffin hurtling towards the earth.

B-17F 42-30359 96th BG/339th BS (QJ-D) in Tunisia, late 1943

Lone Warrior’s Descent

Miraculously, the tail section maintained an upright position during its descent, gliding almost like a bizarre aircraft. The Germans, mistaking it for a new type of British plane, focused their BF109s and flak batteries on this unusual target. Eugene, with nowhere to run and nothing to lose, manned the remaining guns. He fired off the last rounds of ammunition, defending himself against the oncoming assault. His solitary defiance was a small beacon of resistance against the overwhelming enemy fire.

As the tail continued its slow, inevitable descent, Eugene’s situation grew increasingly dire. The enemy’s return fire riddled the tail and his body with holes. Despite the hopelessness, Eugene’s courage never wavered as he continued firing until the very end. Finally, the tail made its last descent, gliding eerily through the clouds before coming to a sudden, jarring stop against a tree. This moment marked the end of an extraordinary fight, one man against an army, in the severed tail of a B-17.

As the tail section finally landed, striking a tree, the scene shifted from an air battle to a desperate fight for survival on the ground. A Serbian POW, also a doctor, heard the impact and rushed to the crash site, only to find Eugene, severely wounded and trapped within the wreckage.

Entire crew, Rikki Tikki Tavi

A Race Against Time

The Serbian doctor, astounded by the survival of the airman, quickly assessed Eugene’s grave injuries. Multiple bullet wounds and a critical head injury threatened his life. Eugene’s resilience was evident, but his condition was precarious.

Throughout the night, the POW worked tirelessly, using his medical expertise to stabilize Eugene’s condition. Despite the uncertainty, there was a glimmer of hope that the young airman might survive to tell the tale of his incredible ordeal.

Long Road to Recovery

Eugene fought hard for his health, achieving a miraculous recovery. He arrived at a POW camp, where he received extensive treatment. Despite the odds, he slowly regained his strength. But his challenges didn’t end there. He faced brutal captivity conditions, including a forced march and long periods in solitary confinement.

Liberation finally arrived, leaving Eugene physically diminished but spiritually strong. He received multiple commendations for his bravery and service, a tribute to his unbreakable spirit.

Eugene returned home with a commitment to resilience. He married, raised a family, and served his community as a firefighter and fire warden. His contributions went beyond military service, leaving a lasting impact on his hometown and country.

News clipping of SSGT Eugene Moran riding wreckage after being shot down
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